Meet the MIAGI Founders

  • Robert Brooks


    Robert Brooks left South Africa in 1978 to pursue his musical studies at the Mozarteum in Salzburg. After moving to the Vienna Academy he won the International singing competition of the Gesellschaft der Freunde des Musikverein in Vienna, which set him off on an international singing career.

    In 2001, together with the Finnish Pianist, Ingrid Hedlund, he founded the NGO, ‘Music is a great Investment’ - MIAGI. Amongst many educational projects and intercultural music productions, the MIAGI Youth Orchestra was developed and is celebrating its 20 years anniversary this year.

    Robert Brooks became an Austrian citizen in 1989 and has recently been dedicated with the Golden Cross of Honour of the Republic of Austria for his work in South Africa.

  • Ingrid Hedlund


    Ingrid Hedlund is a Finnish pianist who graduated from the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki. Post graduate studies she conducted in Kraków and New York, after which she settled down in Vienna.

    Ingrid has performed at renowned festivals and venues such as Carinthischer Sommer, Wien Modern - Konzerthaus Wien, Grafenegg, Beethovenfest Bonn and Maggio Musicale Fiorentino. Together with Robert Brooks, she has published two CDs under the label Preiser Records.

    In 2001, passionate about the power of music and music education, Ingrid founded the music organisation MIAGI - Music is a great Investment in South Africa together with Robert Brooks and is the organization's Creative Director.